Friday, December 25, 2009

Andy's view on Thai Politic

A visiting relative asked me to define Thailand's political malaise in a single sentence, and I eventually concluded that it was a lack of accountability that is at the heart of our misfiring democracy. Call it the ''Face Saving Syndrome'' if you will, but it seems clear to me that many of the unresolvable issues stem from a failure of those directly involved to face the music and take responsibility, or at least show some humility.

Equally there is no moral or political will to bring them to justice. Whether you're organising a coup, or guilty of corruption, or wrecking tourism through airport blockades, or trashing a summit, or presenting blatantly false accusations to parliament or threatening the PM's life, or inciting a revolt from abroad, or even neglecting safety standards in your nightclub, no one here is held accountable in a meaningful and swift manner.

You don't even get a meek apology or humble acknowledgement of wrong doing. Instead we have a culture of evasion, most seem to believe you should worm your way out through influence or contempt for the law, and the majority of the public that judge them evidently have no problem with that.

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